ward off clothes, tight lip

ward off clothes, tight lip

oil on canvas, 48 x 48 inches, 2012

photo by Dave Kemp

Call and Response. Installation view, Artlab Gallery, London, ON, August 20-August 31, 2012

Call and Response. Installation view, Artlab Gallery, London, ON, August 20-August 31, 2012

lilac chest, in-outlet

lilac chest, in-outlet

​oil on canvas, 42 x 37 inches, 2011

​photo by Dave Kemp

Call and Response. Installation view, Artlab Gallery, London, ON, August 20-August 31, 2012

Call and Response. Installation view, Artlab Gallery, London, ON, August 20-August 31, 2012

sleeve stripe, sharp-side

sleeve stripe, sharp-side

​oil on canvas, 48 x 48 inches, 2012               

photo by Dave Kemp

Call and Response. Installation view, Artlab Gallery, London, ON, August 20-August 31, 2012

Call and Response. Installation view, Artlab Gallery, London, ON, August 20-August 31, 2012

point-finger, hard shoulder

point-finger, hard shoulder

​oil on canvas, 55 x 50 ½ inches, 2012

​photo by Dave Kemp

Call and Response. Installation view, Artlab Gallery, London, ON, August 20-August 31, 2012

Call and Response. Installation view, Artlab Gallery, London, ON, August 20-August 31, 2012

three sorts, warm or cold

three sorts, warm or cold

​oil on canvas,  48 ¾ x 48 ¾ inches, 2012

photo by Dave Kemp


Call and Response. Installation view, Artlab Gallery, London, ON, August 20-August 31, 2012

Call and Response. Installation view, Artlab Gallery, London, ON, August 20-August 31, 2012

go full soft frontal

go full soft frontal

​oil on canvas, 43 x 37 ½ inches, 2011

​photo by Dave Kemp

Call and Response. Installation view, Artlab Gallery, London, ON, August 20-August 31, 2012

Call and Response. Installation view, Artlab Gallery, London, ON, August 20-August 31, 2012

send green-grey with food

send green-grey with food

​oil on canvas, 55 x 52 ½ inches, 2012

​photo by Dave Kemp

Call and Response. Installation view, Artlab Gallery, London, ON, August 20-August 31, 2012

Call and Response. Installation view, Artlab Gallery, London, ON, August 20-August 31, 2012

well out, and by the minute

well out, and by the minute

​oil on canvas, 49 ½ x 53 inches, 2012

​photo by Dave Kemp

Call and Response. Installation view, Artlab Gallery, London, ON, August 20-August 31, 2012

Call and Response. Installation view, Artlab Gallery, London, ON, August 20-August 31, 2012

ward off clothes, tight lip

oil on canvas, 48 x 48 inches, 2012

photo by Dave Kemp

Call and Response. Installation view, Artlab Gallery, London, ON, August 20-August 31, 2012

lilac chest, in-outlet

​oil on canvas, 42 x 37 inches, 2011

​photo by Dave Kemp

Call and Response. Installation view, Artlab Gallery, London, ON, August 20-August 31, 2012

sleeve stripe, sharp-side

​oil on canvas, 48 x 48 inches, 2012               

photo by Dave Kemp

Call and Response. Installation view, Artlab Gallery, London, ON, August 20-August 31, 2012

point-finger, hard shoulder

​oil on canvas, 55 x 50 ½ inches, 2012

​photo by Dave Kemp

Call and Response. Installation view, Artlab Gallery, London, ON, August 20-August 31, 2012

three sorts, warm or cold

​oil on canvas,  48 ¾ x 48 ¾ inches, 2012

photo by Dave Kemp


Call and Response. Installation view, Artlab Gallery, London, ON, August 20-August 31, 2012

go full soft frontal

​oil on canvas, 43 x 37 ½ inches, 2011

​photo by Dave Kemp

Call and Response. Installation view, Artlab Gallery, London, ON, August 20-August 31, 2012

send green-grey with food

​oil on canvas, 55 x 52 ½ inches, 2012

​photo by Dave Kemp

Call and Response. Installation view, Artlab Gallery, London, ON, August 20-August 31, 2012

well out, and by the minute

​oil on canvas, 49 ½ x 53 inches, 2012

​photo by Dave Kemp

Call and Response. Installation view, Artlab Gallery, London, ON, August 20-August 31, 2012

ward off clothes, tight lip
Call and Response. Installation view, Artlab Gallery, London, ON, August 20-August 31, 2012
lilac chest, in-outlet
Call and Response. Installation view, Artlab Gallery, London, ON, August 20-August 31, 2012
sleeve stripe, sharp-side
Call and Response. Installation view, Artlab Gallery, London, ON, August 20-August 31, 2012
point-finger, hard shoulder
Call and Response. Installation view, Artlab Gallery, London, ON, August 20-August 31, 2012
three sorts, warm or cold
Call and Response. Installation view, Artlab Gallery, London, ON, August 20-August 31, 2012
go full soft frontal
Call and Response. Installation view, Artlab Gallery, London, ON, August 20-August 31, 2012
send green-grey with food
Call and Response. Installation view, Artlab Gallery, London, ON, August 20-August 31, 2012
well out, and by the minute
Call and Response. Installation view, Artlab Gallery, London, ON, August 20-August 31, 2012